Regional sustainable development planning workshops

Stakeholder Forum together with SDplanNet, which is sponsored in its current phase by GIZ on behalf of BMZ, is convening a series of three sustainable development regional workshops in Asia & Pacific, Latin America & the Caribbean and Africa designed to articulate an innovative set of practices for transformative strategy-making, planning and implementation at the national and sub-national levels.

Government representatives who are responsible for creating and implementing their national development plans or their national sustainable development or green economy strategies will be invited to participate in an intensive 3-day working session in their respective regions.

The desired outcome of the 2014 Sustainable Development Planning Workshops is to advance a community of practice among government planners and policy-makers to create a knowledge base and capacity building agenda for good practices in strategy-making, planning and implementation that is commensurate with the demands of transformation in the post 2015 development agenda.

Latin America & Caribbean Workshop: February 19-21, Panama City, Panama
Africa Workshop: March 3-5, Nairobi, Kenya
Asia & Pacific workshop: April 7-9, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Background Information

For more information about the workshops and programme of work, click here.

Think Pieces for the workshops:

